Wednesday 15 February 2012


Hi All,

Welcome to my first ever post on my blog! Wow how exciting!

A little bit about me...well my name is Abi Owen, I live in Birmingham and work at the University. I have a fiancee called Si (aka bumface) who I adore. The last two years have been the best years of my life so far, I achieved so much; Si proposed, we bought a house and I passed my driving test (finally!) I lead a busy life full of all things vintage, coral, coffee, cakes, friends, family and cath kidston.

Me and Si

 I discovered baking around 4 years ago when I decided on a Sunday to cook a three course meal for my boyfriend, Si! It was a first for me, it consisted off homemade bread, broccoli and stilton soup, roast dinner with veg and banoffee pie (his favourite). The bread looked that good that Si actually didn't believe that I made it! Impressed?....I was!! I don't know where this passion to cook came from but I'm glad it is now my hobby.

 My first ever 'go' at Bread!
 Banoffee Pie for the boy
 Table Set

This may seem really sad to you but I try to keep note of my journey with food by taking pictures of the food I cook. It's nice to look back and the dishes that I cooked on this night and see how far I have come...

I enjoy all types of baking and really enjoy having friends over for dinner so it gives me a chance to cook. I can pretty much take my hand to anything and if I have never made it before I always give it ago! I particularly enjoy the pastry side of cooking; cupcakes, cakes, pretty much anything sweet :-/

Baking is very theraputic to me and there is nothing more that I like doing. There is nothing better that I like doing than making cakes for my friends and watching their faces as they eat it! Weird I know but I really enjoy making people smile and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. If I have that power to make people smile by doing something so small like baking then if I did something big I would have no idea how that would make me feel. This thought makes me excited.

Just a Cup of originated from a sign that I saw saying 'Life is just a cup of cake' and i so believe in this. You make your life what you want it, you have to go out there, get what you want and do something with it. Similar to baking, you have to get your ingredients and figure out the way your going to make your cake and then you wait to see what happens. Sometimes it turns out all good and then other times it doesn't.

So why a blog? Well if truth be told, I've been told that I am pretty good at this cooking malarky (particularly cakes) and I really want to get my name out that I can get some more experience in cake baking and decorating and so I can meet some great people. My aim is to create a mini business on the side of working at the university.

To follow in my other posts I will talk more about my cupcakes and cakes...:-D

See you again soon...

Abi x
“Love is like a good cake; you never know when it's coming, but you'd better eat it when it does!”